Planning for 2024-28

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Every four years, feedback from our customers helps inform our investment proposal submitted to the Essential Services Commission of South Australia (ESCOSA).

In August 2023, we submitted our Regulatory Business Plan for the 2024-28 regulatory period.

Our plan was developed with significant input from our customers and the community, and balances affordability with delivering the services our customers value and expect.

The proposed investment for 2024-28 focuses on maintaining services to current customers and meeting our legislated responsibilities, with some support for growth projects and investigations of new water sources to ensure a secure and resilient water future.

ESCOSA reviews our proposal and provides a determination which establishes the customer outcomes we need to deliver and the allowable revenue we can recover from our customers. We then set prices each year to achieve the allowable revenue across each four-year regulatory period.

During ESCOSA’s review process, there are opportunities for customer and community feedback on our plan. ESCOSA’s website has details about their review, determination and consultation process.

Regulatory Business Plan 2024-28

Regulatory Business Plan - Summary document

Involving our customers

A comprehensive research and engagement program ensured customers provided input throughout the planning and development of our plan. This included opportunities for broad customer engagement, as well as in-depth stakeholder involvement. There are details on Water Talks about our engagement activities.