Immersion Studios

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Immersion Studio can revolutionise the way in which your people communicate and interact with data, information, entertainment and media.

What we do

Immersion Studios is a specialist SA Water business unit that develops tailored immersive technology solutions for water utilities in Australia, and around the world.

We supply organisations that manage complex water infrastructure with complete turnkey digital transformation solutions that enhance existing training, operation and maintenance procedures, reduce WHS incidents, and increase efficiencies and safety for your people.

Our solutions, which augment and overlay real-world scenarios with virtual worlds, enable users to develop a deeper understanding of key workplace practices.

Why use immersive technologies

Immersive technologies have revolutionised the way people and organisations communicate and interact with data, information, entertainment and media.

Extended reality (XR) encompasses virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) and mixed reality (MR) technologies.

User immersion in these virtual worlds is via state-of-the-art devices including stereoscopic display systems and bodysuits, combined with human interactions such as gestures and speech.

While virtual reality is a fully digital, computer-generated, three-dimensional experiential environment, augmented reality is an interactive experience of a real-world environment where the assets that reside in the real world are enhanced by computer-generated perceptual information.

During the last decade, the XR applications have advanced from simple applications to graphically advanced and logically complex environments, allowing training, design aids and operational decision-making tools.

How we do it

Our team provides small and large water utilities with turnkey extended reality (XR) solutions by combining an intimate understanding of your requirements with our problem-solving expertise and water and wastewater infrastructure capabilities.

With our focus on safety, coupled with industry leading skills and engineering expertise, we determine your organisational objectives and requirements, and plan the most effective approach. Our strength lies in developing and delivering the final product within time, scope and budget.

Our solutions span the following sequential immersive technologies:

3D infrastructure capture

We offer a full suite of infrastructure capture services including terrestrial and drone-based footage, photogrammetry, mm accurate 3D LIDAR laser scanning and full panoramic (including audio) image capture.

Why this is useful: our customers use this information for:

  • traditional engineering purposes, such as design and condition assessments
  • digital workflows, including virtual tours and virtual and augmented reality
  • machine learning
  • business information management.

3D LIDAR laser scanning allows us to rapidly create accurate digital twin representations of infrastructure and assets that can secured stored and easily accessed on your servers.

Virtual reality tours

We are skilled in the creation of desktop-based virtual reality ‘street view’ site tours, using a combination of terrestrial and aerial data capture techniques to build and deliver scalable, thoroughly immersive user experiences. Our data capture techniques include LIDAR laser scanning, 3D models, photogrammetry, or a combination of all three.

Benefits of these tours include:

  • documents, links to other data sources/system and detailed information can be embedded as hotspots within the images
  • a storyboard can be overlaid to guide your users through a set of tasks or sequence of steps.

Digital twins

A digital twin is a virtual representation of your assets and infrastructure that not only represents the geometry, but also the processes and systems that allow it to function. This includes relationships between people, places and devices.

How this can help you: we can develop an easy-to-use visual portal that can act as the gateway to more detailed data systems and information.

Virtual reality training

We deliver immersive training with enhanced delivery, deep engagement, and measurable results.

We are adept at developing virtual reality training programmes, using a combination of real-life site data and 3D modelling, to guide users through an interactive environment according to a pre-determined narrative.

Why virtual training?: immersing your employees in VR training environments allows for decision making in a safe and/or digitally guided environment. Our structured learning/training programs and prototyping capabilities can significantly improve employee WHS, performance and cut costs in a near zero risk environment.

Experiential learning is considered as the most important method of knowledge transmission. For this reason, the most celebrated application of VR, and perhaps the most transformative, is its ability to train people while they get a real feel of doing things, without exposing them to risk. Popular applications include lock out training and high voltage pump isolation.

The three key ‘learning by doing’ scenarios most suited to immersive technologies these include:

  • process driven training
  • perception based training
  • exploration based training.

Scenarios can be built from existing modules, or a completely bespoke experience can be created from the ground up.

Find out more

For more information about the services and solutions that Immersion Studio can develop for your organisation, please contact us via