Tod River

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Enjoy, explore, preserve Tod Reservoir Reserve

The Tod River Reservoir is 27 km north of Port Lincoln and an ideal spot for a barbeque picnic and hit of tennis. While you’re there you can learn about the dam wall construction in the early 20th century and visit the lookout.

At a glance

  • Open 7.30am - 5pm (standard time), 7.30am - 8pm (daylight saving time). Closed on Total Fire Ban Days and for operational activity (gates will be closed).
  • Car park
  • Picnicking
  • Barbeque
  • Tennis court
  • Lookout
  • Museum
  • Wildlife and birdwatching
  • Walking/running
  • Cycling

Activities and facilities

To prepare for your visit, please check the conditions of access.


There is a picnic area with barbeque facilities, tennis court, dam wall lookout and public toilets.

Walking and cycling

Tod River has 1.3 kilometres of nature trails that can be walked or cycled, and abundant birdlife to observe.


The local history museum tells the story of water services and SA Water in the local area and is open Monday to Friday, 8.30am until 4pm.

Click map below for a print-friendly version.

A map showing the Tod River Reservoir Reserve. The reservoir can be accessed via Reservoir Drive, off Tod River Road. Parking, tennis and picnic facilities are available on Reservoir Drive, with a lookout spot on the reservoir.

What sets Tod River Reservoir apart

Capacity: 11.3 gigalitres (one gigalitre is one billion litres)

Constructed: 1918-1922

In the early 1900s there was significant demand for water in the area to support the extension of railways across the Eyre Peninsula.

The construction of railways on the Eyre Peninsula encouraged settlement of large portions of the region. The Government’s intention was to open up land for agriculture by linking ports by rail, yet water shortages were severe. Farmers relied heavily on water carted by rail, which was expensive. Constructing the Tod River Reservoir provided greater water security and a more affordable supply for the people living on the Eyre Peninsula.

Before construction of the dam at Tod River, Port Lincoln residents were reliant on rainwater and just three wells.

Little known fact about Tod River Reservoir

When the original contractors building the dam hit financial difficulty they handed the contract to pastoralist and stock agent Sir Sidney Kidman to finish the job.

Water quality

Tod River Reservoir is one of 16 across South Australia.

Treating drinking water before it’s supplied to homes, businesses, schools, hospitals and more, is important to make sure it is clean and safe to drink straight from the tap. You can learn how SA Water treats water and maintains the quality its customers value and rely upon.

Tod River Reservoir is not used to supply drinking water.

At a glance

  • Open 7.30am - 5pm (standard time), 7.30am - 8pm (daylight saving time). Closed on Total Fire Ban Days and for operational activity (gates will be closed).
  • Car park
  • Picnicking
  • Barbeque
  • Tennis court
  • Lookout
  • Museum
  • Wildlife and birdwatching
  • Walking/running
  • Cycling


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