Extreme weather events

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Bushfire and your water services

To minimise interruption to your water supply and wastewater services during a bushfire we undertake fire preparation activities throughout the year, including weed removal, fire track maintenance, equipment readiness and training. We also have incident management plans in place to ensure responsive action in the event of a bushfire.

To prepare for the risk of bushfire we:

  • undertake prescribed burning to minimise the impact bushfires can have on our land and neighbouring communities
  • increase water supplies for firefighting in high-risk areas ahead of the fire season
  • partner with the Country Fire Service, Department for Environment and Water, Forestry SA, Department for Infrastructure and Transport, and local councils to develop strategies and implement bushfire response plans
  • position back-up generators or alternate power sources at infrastructure such as pump stations and treatment plants so that operations can continue if there is a mains power supply outage.

During and after a bushfire we:

  • provide information to our community via our website and social media channels, and directly with impacted customers during an event
  • install sediment control barriers to reduce the amount of ash and debris entering our reservoirs and the creeks that supply them
  • increase testing for water quality and adjust treatment processes as required
  • replenish customers’ water supplies where they have been used to prevent, manage or contain bushfires
  • partner with key government and emergency service agencies as part of the state’s emergency response and recovery activities.

Managing water services during high rainfall

We manage water catchments, water and wastewater networks and treatment facilities to continue providing reliable water services, including during storms and high rainfall events.

To prepare for our operations during these weather events we:

  • manage reservoir levels to capture natural inflows to help maintain reliable water supply to customers, and minimise any impact to dam infrastructure, the environment and neighbouring communities
  • routinely test and monitor drinking water and adjust treatment processes as required
  • manage natural inflow to catchments using sediment control structures or similar
  • work with our customers to reduce stormwater infiltration into the wastewater system (rainfall should be directed to the stormwater, not wastewater network).

For detailed information on current and forecast weather conditions, visit the Bureau of Meteorology website.

Keeping cool during extreme heat

Keeping community spaces cooler during our hot summers is achievable with the effective use of water. By working closely with the community to create green public spaces in parks, schools and major events, we’re helping keep everybody cooler.

Greening and cooling areas for people to enjoy sees us:

  • run misting systems at major community events such as WOMADelaide and Tour Down Under to keep the participants and visitors cool
  • work with schools and councils to instal smart irrigation systems and practices to keep green spaces thriving during summer
  • provide temperature sensors in many community parks across Adelaide so you can find the best outdoor spaces to keep cool.

Keeping your home and garden cool this summer

To see what you can do to keep your garden cool and thriving during the summer months, read our tips for a thriving garden.