Reaching net zero carbon

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By adopting and integrating sustainable practices, including achieving net zero waste and net zero emissions, we are recognised as a leader in environmental management.

In particular, as the world shifts to a decarbonised economy, by 2040 we will be a zero net waste organisation with zero net carbon emissions.

This connects directly with our vision to deliver trusted water services for a sustainable and healthy South Australia: our mindset is focused on sustainable practice and good environmental management, always looking to minimise and reduce the impact of our work, and to seek positive environmental outcomes. .

We have an ambitious and proactive environmental commitment, including:

  • Net zero emissions by 2030
  • Base load requirements operating on 100% renewable energy by 2030
  • Net zero waste by 2040
  • Year on year net improvements in biodiversity on our landholdings by 2030
  • Use of climate adaptive pathways by 2030 to ensure the resilience of our infrastructure, operations and services.

Our initiatives are already delivering outcomes that are driving down our emissions, bringing benefits for our customers and demonstrating the transition to a low carbon economy is within reach. These include the following initiatives:

We are also exploring opportunities to participate in the Emissions Reduction Fund administered by the Clean Energy Regulator through opportunities for biodiverse carbon plantings and energy management.

The Climate Change Sector Agreement can be viewed at You can learn more about environmental commitments in Our Strategy 2020-25.