Your tap water

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The water from your tap is clean, safe to drink and in reliable supply. We work hard to make it that way.

Your water is filtered* and treated in a range of ways, from the moment it starts its journey to your property from one or many sources.

We operate drinking water supplies across metropolitan, regional and remote communities within South Australia and supply safe, clean drinking water, working cooperatively and successfully with SA Health to ensure the protection of public health.

Australian drinking water standards are high, and here in South Australia we consistently meet or exceed national drinking water quality targets, so you can have confidence every time you turn on the tap.

Drinking water is regulated in South Australia. Water quality is managed in line with our robust Drinking Water Quality Management System, which follows the national framework set out in the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines - endorsed by the National Health and Medical Research Council. This ensures you’re supplied with good quality, safe drinking water treated to meet strict national standards.

Compared with 15 other Australian water utilities of similar size, we perform highly across many measures, particularly water quality, water re-use and affordability.

*Adelaide’s drinking water is filtered by us. In some groundwater systems and regional areas of South Australia, filtering may not be needed, on account of the quality of the natural source, or because of other source specifics.