Restricted wastewater technical committee

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Formed in 2014, the restricted wastewater technical committee focuses on:

  • Helping communicate restricted wastewater policy matters, particularly draft and newly proposed trade waste changes, to industry members responsible for designing trade waste customer pre-treatment and drainage solutions.
  • Providing feedback on restricted wastewater policy determinations for our consideration.
  • Providing feedback on quality of service relating to restricted wastewater service offerings.
  • Contributing to improvement initiatives, such as technical investigations to inform policy reviews.
  • Providing feedback on quality of service related to non-restricted wastewater service offerings, such as water and sewerage connections, quotes, and recycled water.

The committee includes representatives from our trade waste and networks team, the Office of the Technical Regulator, Aurecon, Hydraulic Association SA District, KBR, Lucid Consulting Australia, Master Plumbers Association and freelance consultants.

The committee’s Terms of Reference sets out its framework and operation.

Industry members can express their interest in joining the committee by completing the application form and sending it to You can call our Trade Waste and Networks team during the business hours on 08 7424 1336 if you have any questions.

Applications will be assessed and considered with applicants advised directly of the outcome.

  • Major faults

  • Underway

  • Polkinghorns Rd
  • Arthurton
  • 18/06/2020
  • Water Supply On
  • 18/06/2020 03:05 PM - We are attending to an incident in Arthurton with no interruption to the water supply. The safety of our crews and customers comes first, and we always aim to minimise inconvenience by restoring services as quickly as we can. Reference Number WO: 07505663.
  • See all major faults

  • Scheduled works

  • Underway
  • Spruance Rd
  • Elizabeth East
  • 11/06/2021
  • Temporary Supply Interruption
  • Estimated start time and water supply off: 15/06/2021 09:00 AM
    Estimated restore time and water supply back on: 15/06/2021 04:00 PM

    We’re improving your services and undertaking maintenance work in Elizabeth East. Sometimes our crews need to temporarily interrupt the water supply to our customers and/or manage traffic while they are working. Temporary traffic management may remain in place until reinstatement of the impacted road is complete. We always aim to minimise inconvenience by restoring services as safely and quickly as we can.

  • See all scheduled works