Happy Valley water treatment facility

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Treating water at Happy Valley

Adelaide’s largest water treatment plant at Happy Valley uses a reliable treatment process to ensure the drinking water produced is high quality and meets the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. This involves:

  1. Clumping impurities in the water together so they settle to the bottom of a sedimentation tank so they are removed from the water supply
  2. Moving water through a bank of filters to remove any remaining impurities
  3. Eradicating any remaining microorganisms by using chlorine to disinfect the water.

Chlorine is a common disinfectant widely used across Australia and the world to ensure water is safe to drink. The amount of chlorine used to treat water is regulated.

The storage of chlorine is also regulated. In 2014 we built a new chlorine storage facility that forms part of the water treatment plant, and while there have not been any public safety incidents, we are required to plan for all scenarios.

To prevent major incidents, state of the art controls are in place. These are audited annually by SafeWork SA, the Metropolitan Fire Service and South Australia Police.

While unlikely, it is important that our neighbours understand what we will do if an incident occurs, and what to do to stay safe.

In the event of an incident posing an immediate danger to people living or working near the site, emergency services will respond.

A notice will then be issued through Emergency Alert, the national telephone warning system, to landlines and mobile phones currently located within the area.

As the incident unfolds, up-to-date information will be provided to the neighbouring community via local radio, social media and Alert SA.

Chlorine has a strong bleach-like odour and its gas, in large quantities, can be harmful.

What our neighbours need to do if there is an incident

In the event of an incident posing an immediate danger to people living or working near the site, emergency services will respond and may ask you to:

  1. Go indoors and stay there
  2. Close all external doors and windows
  3. Switch off air-conditioners, heaters and exhaust fans
  4. Listen to your emergency service broadcaster for details and any further instruction
  5. Avoid using your telephone / mobile phone so that emergency services can contact you if necessary.

Emergency services will let you know when the incident is over, and it is safe to open your doors and windows.