Cleaner production program

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Cleaner production is a proactive environmental approach that focuses on preventing waste generation and reducing your trade waste charges. In commercial and industrial businesses it helps you maximise efficiency of inputs like water, energy and chemicals and reduces the creation of sewage and minimises solid waste.

The more efficient and 'lean' you are with your on-site processes, the greater the impact on minimising raw inputs and costs associated with disposal of waste.

How we work with you

We can work with you to put cleaner production in place. One of our technical consultants will visit your site and together we will identify where cleaner production will work. This fact sheet includes common opportunities for improving the quality of your trade waste discharge.

Cleaner production in the seafood industry

Managing high total dissolved solids (TDS) concentrations in trade waste is a challenge for seafood processors due to saltwater.

Saltwater has a TDS of about 35,000 mg/L, which is much higher than the acceptable TDS level for our sewer networks and wastewater treatment plants. By reducing your total dissolved solids, you can reduce trade waste. You can also improve our ability to recycle used water. This fact sheet will help you implement cleaner production practices in the seafood industry.