BYOB: Bring your own bottle

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Bring your own bottle and save

Tap water is one of the best choices you can make for your health and your wallet. And bringing your own reusable bottle rather than a single-use bottle is the best choice you can make for the environment.

Saving the environment one bottle at a time

About 370 million single-use plastic water bottles make their way to landfill each year around Australia.

We’re pretty good recyclers in South Australia, but with only 65.8 per cent of PET bottles sold last year being returned for recycling, there’s still a huge number of plastic bottles making their way to landfill or the natural environment.

Single-use plastic bottles also impact the environment when they are made: each 1-litre bottle takes up to 250ml of crude oil and 3 litres of water to manufacture. Single-use plastic bottles then continue their impact on the environment long after the drink they held has been consumed, taking up to 1,000 years to break down.

Find a drinking fountain with our BYOB app

You can search for nearby drinking fountains and bottle filling stations with our BYOB app. Whether you need a quick drink, to fill your bottle, or quench your dog’s thirst, the interactive map will give you clear directions to get to the closest of 1,000 mapped drinking fountains. You can also add more, and give a star rating so everyone can see the highly rated fountains. This helps us contact councils when a rating is low and let them know their fountain may need some attention.

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Public drinking fountains and hygiene

Water from public drinking fountains remains safe to drink, but you’ll need to take extra steps when using them, to protect your health. This includes:

  • avoid direct contact with your mouth or bottle opening
  • run the water for 10 seconds before drinking
  • turn the water on with your elbow or foot if the fountain is operated by a lever or similar.

Future of the drinking fountain program

Our four-year fountain program, which has seen 110 fountains installed around South Australia, has now closed.