Liquid hauled waste

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Liquid hauled waste is waste not deemed appropriate for discharge to the sewerage network. It is used water from industrial, commercial or domestic customers who are not connected to the sewerage network and is delivered to one of our septic waste disposal stations by an approved liquid waste hauler. The Liquid Waste Hauler Guideline outlines important information for liquid waste hauling companies who wish to become authorised to use SA Water’s disposal facilities. This process can be  started by completing  a Liquid Hauled Waste application form.

We only accept liquid hauled waste if:

  • the type and quantity of contaminants can be safely and effectively treated at our receiving plants
  • it doesn’t impact the ability to reuse any treatment end-products
  • compliance with SA Water’s environmental license conditions is not compromised
  • a licensed hauler has a permit from us for the purpose of making the delivery
  • we have agreed to accept batches of non-domestic hauled waste or high strength organic waste from a business.


Domestic liquid hauled waste is classified as:

  • Holding tank waste – collected from portable toilets and grey water.
  • Septic waste – the contents of domestic septic tanks including the sludge.

Authorised liquid waste haulers may discharge domestic liquid hauled waste at our septic waste disposal stations for which they are authorised according to the conditions set within the hauler’s authorisation and station opening hours.

Private domestic customers do not need to apply for any authorisation to discharge their septic tank waste. This discharge is controlled under the authorised liquid waste hauler’s permit.

For more detailed information, please refer to section five of our Restricted Wastewater Acceptance Framework and haulers may refer to the Discharging Domestic Hauled Waste Guideline for details on how to discharge domestic wastewater at our metro disposal stations.


A business or organisation producing non-domestic used water may apply directly to us for an authorisation to discharge non-domestic hauled waste.

This is similar to an authorisation to discharge trade waste, except a liquid waste hauler collects the discharge and delivers it to our septic waste disposal stations.

To apply

  1. To get authorisation, you must complete and submit a non-domestic liquid hauled waste application form and pay the application fee. Once the form has been lodged, our hauled waste team member will assess whether the used water is suitable to be accepted, including ensuring it poses no risk to our people or our treatment plants.
  2. Part of the assessment will require sample results endorsed by the National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA). Test requirements will vary depending on the type of non-domestic used water being discharged.
  3. If your application is accepted, you can then organise an authorised liquid waste hauler of your choice to transport the waste to one of our disposal stations.

The non-domestic hauled waste charges apply.

Once your used water has been accepted as a non-domestic liquid hauled waste, you may discharge subsequent batches under the same authorisation with no need to apply for another authorisation. But you must lodge a batch discharge notification form for assessment before arranging transport by your authorised liquid waste hauler. There may be a need for additional NATA endorsed sampling. Non-domestic hauled waste discharge fees will apply to any subsequent discharges.

A more detailed overview of the process can be found in section 5 of our Restricted Wastewater Acceptance Framework and our Discharging Non-Domestic Liquid Hauled Waste Guideline.

Once-off trade waste

A once-off trade waste discharge is a single or short series of discharges or arising from an unexpected or non-routine occurrence. It generally falls outside of the normal trade waste management process and may include:

  • dewatering of construction sites
  • draining of commercial swimming pools
  • used water from a failed industrial process.

You must apply for authorisation by completing and submitting a once-off trade waste discharge application form and paying the appropriate hauled waste application fee. A NATA-endorsed analysis of the contaminants in the used water is normally required to ensure a thorough assessment can be made.

If your used water be accepted, you will be issued an authorisation containing all the conditions that must be adhered to during the discharge.

Discharges will be charged at the non-domestic hauled waste rates for volume and the weight of contaminants.

A more detailed overview of the process can be found in Section 4.10.5 of our Restricted Wastewater Acceptance Framework and our Once-off Trade Waste Discharge Guideline.

What to do with high strength organic waste

Some trade waste customers may produce used water that is high in organic loading due to the type of business they are operating. This high strength organic waste can cause severe damage to the sewerage network and can be costly to treat to acceptable levels or dispose of via the sewer.

Typical industries that produce this type of used water, which generally contains sugars, starches or fats are:

  • food and beverage producers
  • dairy producers
  • confectionery producers
  • breweries or maltsters.

The Glenelg Wastewater Treatment Plant accepts this waste and co-digests it along with our treatment plant sludge. This stops our sewerage network from being damaged and reduces treatment costs and solid residues for landfill. It also removes the waste at its source and ensures your contaminant levels are compliant with trade waste authorisation limits. This can help lower your trade waste charges.

We currently accept this waste at no cost as it has an added benefit of helping us produce slightly higher levels of methane gas within our digesters, which then produces electricity to help power Glenelg Wastewater Treatment Plant.

To have your used water or sludge assessed for acceptance at our co-digestion facility, please complete and return the high strength organic waste disposal application form .

We assess your application and arrange waste samples for laboratory analysis and a ‘eudiometer trial’ which will assess ability of the waste to produce methane gas.

If your high strength organic waste is accepted, you will be issued an agreement with conditions to be met about delivery of your waste. You will be responsible for transporting the waste to our co-digestion facility so you may then engage an authorised liquid waste hauler to carry out the deliveries on an ongoing basis as scheduled in the agreement.

More information about this process can be found in our High Strength Organic Waste for Co-digestion Guideline . Haulers can find their responsibilities and further details in our Delivery of High Strength Organic Waste for Co-digestion Guideline.

What to do with other liquid wastes

If your liquid waste doesn't meet our criteria, you can consign it to a licensed liquid waste contractor who will treat or dispose of it.

For portable toilet waste, such as from mobile homes or caravans, there are a number of designated dump points in regional towns and some caravan parks.

If you are a caravan park or business that wishes to install a designated dump point within our sewer network, please refer to our Portable Domestic Waste Dump Point Guideline.

Liquid hauled waste fees and charges

Liquid hauled waste application

This fee is for processing authorisation applications to dispose of liquid hauled waste. Includes GST.

Application Fee: $193.00

Liquid hauled waste compliance audit

We inspect customers’ premises to assess compliance with their authorisation conditions and confirm operator details. Audit frequency is based on risk. Additional audits may be required where noncompliance is detected. Includes GST.

Audit Fee: $156.00

Non-domestic hauled waste charges

Charges apply for non-domestic hauled liquid waste accepted at our receiving stations from tanker trucks. These charges are not subject to GST.


$0.750 per kL

Biological oxygen demand

$0.578 per kg

Suspended solids

$0.591 per kg


$0.437 per kg


$2.182 per kg

Domestic hauled waste charges

Holding tank and septic waste charges

$9.45 per kL

Replacement receiving station swipe card fee

Haulers/dischargers are issued swipe cards for use at our septic waste disposal stations.

Call 7424 1336 to report lost or stolen cards. Replacement costs apply. This charge includes GST.


Administration fee

This fee covers administrative costs and includes GST.


  • Major faults

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  • Polkinghorns Rd
  • Arthurton
  • 18/06/2020
  • Water Supply On
  • 18/06/2020 03:05 PM - We are attending to an incident in Arthurton with no interruption to the water supply. The safety of our crews and customers comes first, and we always aim to minimise inconvenience by restoring services as quickly as we can. Reference Number WO: 07505663.
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  • Scheduled works

  • Underway
  • Spruance Rd
  • Elizabeth East
  • 11/06/2021
  • Temporary Supply Interruption
  • Estimated start time and water supply off: 15/06/2021 09:00 AM
    Estimated restore time and water supply back on: 15/06/2021 04:00 PM

    We’re improving your services and undertaking maintenance work in Elizabeth East. Sometimes our crews need to temporarily interrupt the water supply to our customers and/or manage traffic while they are working. Temporary traffic management may remain in place until reinstatement of the impacted road is complete. We always aim to minimise inconvenience by restoring services as safely and quickly as we can.

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